Quarve Contracting: Remodel Type I Bronze

Remodel Bronze IQuarve ContractingQuarve Contracting, Inc. has completed a Minnesota GreenStar Pilot remodeling project for the Gitzen home, a 1957 rambler in Roseville. Homeowners, Chuck and Kathy Gitzen worked with Quarve Contracting, Inc. by volunteering some sweat equity. They’ve installed their own rain garden, indoor and outdoor compost bins, rain barrels and reducing their energy costs by installing CFL lighting. Green Remodeling does not need to add extra costs to a remodeling project.  It can reduce homeowner’s energy costs well into the future. The Gitzen’s scope of work included; reinsulating the home, sealing bypasses, which resulted in a 44% tighter home. This came in as one of the tightest home tested for MN GreenStar. We removed a side door on the west side of home and installed a new window in the south side. The light switch in the room was switched so one switch could shut down all computer monitors and cpu units.  We also installed: windows, solar tubes, energy effeicent doors, Energy Star rated appliances and life-time warranty – Energy Star rated – United States Platinum Seamless Steel Siding with a natural drainage plan and ceramic based paint which is solar reflective.  Ventilation was also an issue, we brought the home up to manufacturer specifications as there was no soffit ventilation before.By Julie Quarve, Quarve Contracting

Quarve Contracting - Before
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