Registration will be done on the GHI Give Butter Website 

Using local permit data to make informed electrification & HVAC contractor selections


Imagine combining building permit data with building inspections, census, topography, weather, and real estate transactions to form the most comprehensive understanding of the building contractor market. Can we take a new approach to determine who is best at delivering electrification project work to make the best choice for contractor selections and help move the marketing […]

Modular housing & Zero Energy Ready – Free CE Webinar


While offsite construction holds much promise, the reality of factory-built housing over the past few decades has seen a focus on least cost, not best performance. How does modular construction deliver like everything-factory-installed market-rate and affordable homes to urban infill and suburban locations. Is modular bucking the trend of using off-site construction to create building […]

Using Building Science Advisor To Determine the Durability of Building Envelope Components – Free CE webinar


The Building Science Advisor (BSA) is a rule-based expert system webtool that was originally developed to assist building professionals to design energy efficient and durable wall systems for new construction. With the present focus being placed on upgrading the existing building stock, a retrofit module has been developed that, based on the location, existing construction, […]

Comparison of Energy Standards Code to Passive house: A Report


Investigating the ability of 12 building standards to deliver resilient, healthy, and efficient buildings. This research project evaluated the impact of different building standards over 50 single-family projects in different US regions, from hot and humid Texas to the cold and dry Rocky Mountains. The intent is to allow building owners, project teams, and policymakers […]

Reducing Carbon with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDS)


As we get better at tackling operational carbon (think energy bills), we are shifting our attention toward embodied carbon. Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are a vital tool for architects and developers to reduce carbon embodied emissions in their projects. An EPD is a comprehensive report that provides transparent and verified information on the environmental impact […]

LEED For Homes Green Rater Online Training


With over 2 million LEED® for Homes™ registered spaces worldwide, LEED is the international rating system to ensure better residential buildings. LEED requires third-party on-site verification and performance testing by a LEED Green Rater, and demand is growing. You need at least 2 weeks of on-demand training prior to attending the live March 1st course […]

How to choose which LIHTC Green Program – Free CE webinar


Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Programs help ensure affordable and healthy housing for occupants while reducing carbon emissions compared to conventional codes; required green building certifications ensure more favorable outcomes. How do you know which green program to choose for your LIHTC project? We will review the main programs available in most states, LEED […]

About ADU: The Perfect Housing Solution – Free CEU webinar


With the housing crises well underway, we need to get more creative on housing types and land use. Enter An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). This is a smaller housing unit built on the same lot as a primary dwelling (also known as an Additional or Auxiliary Dwelling Units)—think granny flat, in-law unit, laneway house). It […]

120v Plugin Heat Pump Water Heaters: Insights from the field


120-volt heat pump water heaters (HPWH) are a new technology that can help rapidly decarbonize residential hot water use. Hot water is the second or third biggest energy load in most homes. Thus, electrifying as many water heaters as possible is critical for meeting U.S. decarbonization goals. 120-volt HPWHs are particularly beneficial in retrofit scenarios […]

A Study Overview: State-by-State Green Tax Credit Affordable Housing


This webinar will focus on our QAP analysis and highlight how state HFAs are integrating policies around electrification, third-party green building standards, whole-building energy performance, and renewable energy to create and preserve affordable housing. In early 2023, NHT embarked on the process of reviewing the Qualified Allocation Plans (QAPs) from all 50 state Housing Finance […]