Handout Zero Energy Buildings: Skilled Trades in Partnership
End goal: Zero Energy Buildings save energy, lower utility bills, help drive economy-wide carbon emissions to zero, and increase resilience in extreme weather events.
Terms and definitions for Zero Energy Buildings:
- ZEB = Zero Energy Building (annual building energy use <= annual on-site renewable energy production)
- ZEB = Zero Emission Building (federal definition clarification is happening now)
- NZE = Net Zero Energy (same as ZEB, can differentiate on-site vs off-site renewable energy)
- NPE = Net Positive Energy (annual building energy use < annual on-site renewable energy production)
- Carbon Neutral (the building is not responsible for carbon emissions due to its operations)
- “Net Zero” refers to the idea that on an annual basis, energy use is zero. A stricter standard yet would be to design buildings for 24/7/365 zero carbon energy use.
Related terms for up-front (embodied) carbon
- Carbon Negative Construction: (building is designed and built with materials with negative carbon footprint. (When all materials’ footprints are added, the building sequesters carbon.)
- Decarbonization: taking carbon emissions out of the entire life cycle life cycle of the building (or any process). Account for up-front, operational, and end-of-life emissions.
What does it take to build a ZEB? (See links for examples and additional information.)
- Thick, well-insulated walls
- Triple or quad pane windows
- Superior air-tightness
- Dedicated energy-recovery ventilation (ERV)
- Solar panels and batteries
- Low embodied carbon materials
- Heat pumps
- Electric induction range
- EnergyStar appliances
- Electric vehicle chargers (best are bi-directional for V2H or V2G capability)
- Health-certified materials
- Water saving features
Certifications available:
- Phius Zero (Passive House Institute US and others require the following four certifications)
- DOE Zero Energy Ready (a good start, but better to put the solar on right away)
- Energy Star (again, a good start)
- EPA WaterSense (water efficiency matters too)
- EPA Indoor airPLUS (zero energy buildings are healthier!)
- Greenstar Zero Energy Certified Example in Dexter
- LEED Zero (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Example in Traverse City
- ILFI Zero Energy Certification Example in Ann Arbor
- HERs score <=0 (net zero on RESNET Home Energy Rating System) Example in Grand Rapids
Request for lawmakers: please sponsor, support, and pass legislation that does these four things:
- Electrifies Everything with renewable sources (wind, solar, and perhaps nuclear if cost effective)
- Improves building codes for energy efficiency.
- Ratcheting up HERs scores over time would help.
- Adopting Passive House as a statewide stretch code could help. (It is the code in Brussels and the multifamily housing stretch code in Boston.)
- Putting together green building tax abatement or tax credits for building green and zero energy certified buildings.
- Promotes these important technology levers:
- Support the deployment of heat pumps for all space and water heating. We are especially excited about low ambient air-source heat pumps (particularly those utilizing CO2 as the refrigerant). Ground-source heat pumps also have a place, especially in larger buildings.
- Incent the development and implementation of carbon-free concrete and steel.
- Support a timeline for phasing out HFC refrigerants and phasing in natural refrigerants, especially CO2. (For all HVAC, refrigeration, and appliances.)
- Incent regenerative agricultural practices, solar-ag integration, and re-wilding.
- Addresses these important sociological factors:
- Support initiatives that promote environmental justice.
- Promote development of multifamily and mixed-income housing developments.
- Promote green jobs. (Michigan is doing well.)
- Promote sustainable economics ideas like that proposed in “doughnut economics.”