Join GHI Education Manager Brett Little as he explains the Inflation Reduction Act HOMES 25C Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit and the 25D Residential energy efficient property.
We will discuss how to organize your and your client’s home projects to make the most of these tax credits and the order of importance of utilizing the upgrades in the home.
What are some of the tax challenges with obtaining these credits?
Join us!
Brett Little is the Education Manager at the GreenHome Institute. He has personally used tax credits, rebates, and multiple financial resources to complete Pearl Platinum and GreenStar Homes renovations on two homes he has owned. He hopes to help everyone succeed in doing the same.
Continuing Education Units (CEUS) submitted 1 hour in*
Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI)
Building Performance Institute (BPI) NonWholeHouse
Submitted for American Institute of Architects – AIA (HSW)
Certified Green Professional (NARI & CGP)
Certified GreenHome Professional (CGHP) Pillar(s): Energy, Health
American Institute of Building Designers (AIBD)
State Architect / Builder License may be applicable
Building Science Institute (BSI) Verifier
Passive House Consultant US (CPHC)
Society of American Registered Architects (SARA)
Lessons Learned
- Understand the eligibility requirements and limitations of the tax credits to ensure you and your clients receive the maximum benefit for decarbonization, health and safety improvements.
- Analyze the potential cost savings of energy-efficient / decarbonization upgrades against the upfront costs to determine the most economical options to introduce sustainable changes to your home.
- Introduce a plan to prioritize upgrades based on the order of importance, potential savings and decarbonization to optimize the benefits of the tax credits for your welfare and long-term financial well-being.
- Articulate the documentation requirements and deadlines for claiming the tax credits to reduce the risk of challenges from the IRS and ensure a smooth and successful credit application process.