Clean Energy Credit Union – New GHI membership benefit!

Well, it is not often we add new benefits but this one we are really excited about!

As a GreenHome Institute member, as well as your clients, are now eligible to join Clean Energy Credit Union (, an online-only financial institution that focuses exclusively on providing loans for clean energy products and services such as electric vehicles, solar electric systems, geothermal systems, green home improvements, and electric bicycles.  Clean Energy Credit Union envisions a world where everyone can participate in the clean energy movement, and it helps fulfill this vision by:

(a) making it easier for everyone to afford to use clean energy (or save energy) by offering loans with better terms; and

(b) making it easier for everyone to invest in the clean energy movement by offering federally insured deposit opportunities whereby the deposits are solely used to help others pursue their clean energy projects.

In case it helps, here’s some background about credit union membership eligibility requirements:  although credit unions provide similar services as banks, they are different from banks in many ways. For example, a credit union is a not-for-profit, financial services cooperative that exists solely to serve its members and to fulfill its mission, whereas a bank exists to maximize financial returns for its stockholders. Another difference is that a bank can serve the general public whereas a credit union can only serve its “field of membership,” which is defined by regulators as the people and entities that are legally eligible to join the credit union. Ultimately, a credit union’s field of membership is comprised of one or more groups of people and entities that all have something in common that binds them together in some way. Many credit unions have a field of membership that includes people who work for a certain employer, or who live in a certain geographic area, or who are members of the same professional association or religious organization.  Clean Energy Credit Union’s field of membership consists of mission-aligned organizations like Greenhome Institute that are partners in working to grow the clean energy movement.

GHI will continue to help you breakdown the barriers to upfront costs for energy effecient and net zero housing!

Learn about our GHI membership here and all our benefits!

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