Our ongoing series on reducing EMF’s in new and existing construction continues. The sessions do not need to be watched in order but we recommend checking them out here before this session!
The proliferation of wireless technologies is extending into every facet of our environments and lives. Just because technology makes possible, doesn’t mean there is wisdom in this trend. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Research is now consistently showing the adverse health effects that are associated with radio frequency radiation exposures. Even the common levels of exposures that come from the wireless technologies we use in our homes, schools, institutions, shopping and working environments are creating health issues.
The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified radio frequency radiation as a Group 2B “Possible Carcinogen” in 2011. Though cancer may be one of the more serious implications of these exposures, there are other symptoms that are becoming very common- such as brain fog, memory loss, muscle tension, inflammation, headaches, migraines, anxiety, depression, insomnia and chronic fatigue.
Fortunately, building biologists have seen such symptoms rapidly improve for people as exposures to EMFs are reduced.
There are options that eliminate the need to use of Wi-Fi internet devices, cell phones and other wireless technologies when building and remodeling. These sources within dwellings are almost always the biggest exposure concerns from radio frequency EMFs.
In this webinar on EMFs, we will discuss strategies to provide wired options that vastly reduce exposures, as well as implementing materials and methods that can shield outside sources of broadcast radiation from neighbor’s devices, smart meters, cell phone and radio towers.
Lessons Learned
Why it is important to reduce your exposure to radio frequency radiation
Important considerations and strategies for reducing exposures during the planning stages of building projects
Factors involved in measuring radio frequency radiation and identifying sources
Building materials, finishes and methods to shield outside sources
Continuing Education Units (CEUS)
1 hour in
- Certified Green Professional (NARI & CGP)
- Certified GreenHome Professional (CGHP)
- State Architect / Builder License may be applicable
Instructor: Damon Coyne
Damon Coyne is a certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC), trained through the Institute for Building Biology and Ecology. As a building biologist and space design consultant, Damon helps to identify, reduce and eliminate the natural and man-made interferences that negatively affect health and well-being. He works with, architects, builders, businesses, and individuals to create environments that support healing, productivity and inspiration.
Course Is Free by scrolling past payment form. Pay to access quiz and take it while you watch the session
Course Certificate Cost: $50.00
GHI Members: Free
Webinar CE Education Quiz
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ATTN José Reyna
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